All job for industrial engineer cannot off from 6S activity or maybe that you know as 5R or 5S. From my opinion, 6S is core for all Continous Improvement in every place because the best step to make improvement is look from around us.
What is 6S ?
6S is shortened from
1. Sort = Seiri = choose which is needed and not neededWhat is the true function from this 6s?
2. Set in Order = Seiton = put something in the right place
3. Shines = Seiso = Keep Cleanliness
4. Standardize = Seiketsu = Make Standard for all procedure
5. Sustain = Shitsuke = Keep doing what you already done
6. Safety = = keep safety factor in every part
Think about it!!!
1. Let imagine if every item in your area now is not needed
2. Let imagine if you cannot find a things that you needed
3. Let imagine if your place is very dirty and mess
4. Let imagine if other people can live in your place without knowing the rules and they do everything what they want to do or how they want to do it
5. Let imagine if someone cannot keep the good things
6. Let imagine if you live in dangerous area without any protection
This 6S activity can help you avoid those thing
Interest ? Look Detail Article About 6S from link Below:
Sort , Set in Order , Shines , Standardize , Sustain , Safety
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